Monday, March 26, 2012

Dear Bebe,
Oh how you are loved. So very loved. Even before we know you, we love you. I want to meet you, Bebe. To watch you grow; explore. To watch your passion, your peace, your stubbornness, your love. I want to know you.
I want color for you. I want bright colors, blue skies, green grass, flowers, I want your life to be sprinkled with special. I want you to see the beauty in everything around you. I want sunshine and playtime. I want circuses and fairs. I want to watch your eyes light up. I want to watch you learn. I want to see you plant a garden, bake a cookie, write a page, catch a firefly, let it go. I want to see you get dirty in the exploration of your world. I want to watch you dance, and laugh, and run. I can't wait to see you express joy. To watch you work through sad times. To pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move yourself forward.
Oh, Bebe, you are going to be so special! So unique! I will look at you and see myself. I will look at you and see your dad. But you will not be us, you will be you, and that's the most important thing you could ever be, so be it well and true! Who knows when we will meet, but the day will come, and I am so excited to share it with you!

Your Mom.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Here are just some educational links talking about the different issues and procedures we're dealing with.

Polycysitc Ovarian Syndrome

Here we go again.

Surgery. Another one.

I went to Dr. Richmond today and after a full work up and us discussing the problems and my past, he's decided the best course of action is going to be another laparoscopy as well as a Hysterosalpingogram. The laparoscopy is going to give him a current idea of what we're dealing with here. The Hysterosalpingogram is a type of Xray where they will inject a dye (contrast fluid) up into my uterus that will travel through my fallopian tubes so they can check for damage or blockages. If there is a blockage, depending on who does the laparoscopy they will remove it or I will go elsewhere to have the blockage removed, meaning a second surgery. I could have the HSG done without the laparoscopy, but if something is found they'll just have to go in to do the surgery anyway so he thinks it best to have them both done at once. He's referring me to the ART fertility program in Birmingham for treatment as they specialize in infertility and he's says they're the best. He's also having a seamen analysis done on Ran just to be sure everything is good there. They said once you reach 2 years of trying to get pregnant with no success that there is a 20-40% chance it's a male problem.
I go in tomorrow for an insulin fast to confirm the PCOS, which he said, since I'm ovulating, it's not going to affect me that much. He'll start me on a set of pills to help with the symptoms, but he doesn't think it's going to affect me getting pregnant. They'll also be doing an LH and FSH blood work up at the same time. Those are blood tests for luteinizing hormone (LH), progesterone, or follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).
We go back on April the 11th (the day after my birthday)to get the test results for me and for Ran, collect the information from the last 2 laparoscopies, get my ART referral, and schedule a date for the surgery. I've got to call my insurance and find out how much they are going to cover for the surgery and HSG if they cover anything at all and to find out the cost that is going to be on us. It's going to be quite substantial, more than we can afford, but if it's meant to be, we'll find a way. So, that's our game plan. That's where we go from here.
I'm not happy, I'm not sad, I'm just in waiting. I'm glad we have a game plan, I just want to see what's going to happen next. Just keep us in your prayers. With everything going on in our lives right now, with Teresa, and just life in general, we could use a little peace and joy and nothing would bring us more joy than to have those 2 little pink lines finally show up. It would be a wonderful little miracle and a nice change of pace from the last year and a half. :)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Birdie vs Baby

The thoughts that I can't keep out of my head as of late are all about how a pregnancy would affect our fostering journey. When finally deciding to look to another plan in order to become a parent, I never thought I'd be back on this one. Over the last 3 months I've become quite attached to the thought of "Birdie". Birdie is the nickname I've given to our future foster child. We have no idea what it's going to be or how old (we're accepting male and female 0-4), but we've been planning, preparing a room, purchasing different things to get ready for the day we get that call. They call it "Paper pregnancy". I'm not ready to give up on foster care just because there is a sliver of hope we may have a biological child, but having another child in our home does complicate things. For one, we live in a 3 bedroom house. We have converted my office into Birdie's foster room and put my things into Ran's office that we now share. Unfortunately at this point in time, I don't have 2 rooms I can give up. We have to have a place to work, else we'd go crazy and there isn't anywhere else in the house that an office would work in.

My current plan is to continue with the licencing process. It will be fall before we are complete and by that time I'll have quite a few months in of being TTC again. If we get pregnant in that time, we will maintain our training hours and be foster parents on paper without accepting placements until we feel like we're ready and that we've gotten to a point the new parent learning curve that a foster child wouldn't have a disservice done to them in being with us.

Then again, we may not get pregnant. That is still a very real possibility. Just because there is a new diagnosis doesn't mean the prognosis will be different. At least this time there is another path forged. I am at peace with fostering to adopt. I think it's a wonderful way to expand on our family. A way I'd be honored to be a part of. Giving birth to a child that is biologically mine would be beautiful as well and of course I would be in absolute adoration of this happening. Either way, I'll be fine. I'm not aiming for a pregnancy, I'm aiming to become a mother.

Let's try this again.

Perhaps it's time to allow myself to start this journey again. Here we are, nearly 2 years after starting TTC and we are right in the middle of the foster parenting process, when I get news that kind of rocks my world.

Let me just say, yes, I gave up. To spare my own heart, emotions, and sanity, I gave up on trying to have a child of my own. I was perfectly content and at peace with the fact it just wasn't in the cards for us and that our journey was taking me to children who's mothers couldn't take care of them. Okay, I wouldn't say perfectly content and at peace, I had my moments of sadness when I held someones new baby knowing I'd never be able to search the face of my own to see if they looked like me, but I accepted it.

I went to the OBGYN with Heather the other day and he was talking with her about the symptoms of PCOS. She had none of what he mentioned, I had every single thing. But... but... but I have endometrious! PCOS is the most commonly misdiagnosed women's issue. I go back to the doctor on Tuesday for an appointment of my own to see if we can figure out what this is and what we need to do about it.

I don't know if I'm ready to go back to that place in my life. The dark place where month after month every effort has failed and I am disappointed and defeated all over again. At least this time we'll have a game plan. We'll be armed with hope in our battle with TTC.

So, I suppose, here is day one, the first step on our second journey to our baby Johnson.