Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 12

Day 12 of my 500 mg Metfomin and I am NAUSEOUS! I'm getting headaches here and there, but I'm not sure if it's the meds or the fact that we're in the car for over 5 hours a day taking T (the MIL) to her radiation treatments. I've never done well in the car so it could be that but I'm thinking the meds aren't helping.

I started my period yesterday (and have had 2 very emotional days that I need to get over) and I should have already started temping but I've got to get on it. I really need to see what's happening with my ovulation with me being on the met.

I'm trying the healthy eating thing. Everyone says something different as far as what I need. That's what's gotten me so depressed and emotional. I feel like I'm at the base of a mountain looking up with no idea how to even start. I feel like I made really good choices today though so I'm proud of myself.

Breakfast- Spinach and cheese omelet and baloney. I couldn't eat too much of the omelet, but tomorrow I have a better plan for one.

Snack- Small apple and peanut butter

Lunch- Chicken Waldorf Salad with apples and pecans with no dressing

Snack- Peanuts

Dinner- Porkchop and half of a small sweet potato

Snack- Dr. Oz popcorn

Not too bad if I do say so myself. Especially if you compare it to what I usually eat. I miss sugar. A lot! What I'd do for some chocolate. That's about all I'm craving. I also drank a full gallon of water yesterday and I'm at 72 oz today, and I plan on at least getting 3/4s of the way through.

I need to start adding workouts into the mix. I'm going to apply for a scholarship at our local YMCA this week and I'll find out in 2 weeks if we get accepted. They have yoga classes and I think that would be great for me since I'm having such awful back pain I can't do anything too impacting that will make it worse. Anything will help at this point I think.

2 more days until I go to my 2 pills a day!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

In the beginning

I suppose this blog is going to take a turn for the teal. By which I mean, I can't focus on being TTC until I focus on getting healthy in spite of the PCOS, so I guess this journey is taking a detour focus on the mommy to be. I've started a group on facebook, Southern Cysters: An Alabama Based PCOS Support Group, to get in contact with others in my area also battling PCOS. I figure the only way I can do this is to be as proactive as I can be, and anyone who knows me knows what a little activist I am. Any excuse, right? lol After doing a bit of research, I'm seeing that PCOS encompasses so much more than I thought it did. Most things I've had issues with since puberty I can now link back with PCOS. It's shocking, reliving I guess, but frustrating at the same time.
Everyone keeps going back to "All of your problems will go away if you just loose weight". Okay... well, that's a little easier said than done. I'm currently having a lot of trouble getting used to the fact that pasta, bread, sweets, fruit, all of these foods that didn't make me sick (when most all food makes me sick) are actually really bad and I can't have them anymore, period, because my body doesn't know how to properly digest them without massive amount of insulin. ..... wow. I love chicken, veggies, nuts, ect.... but that's not the problem. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time with this change. I'm not too good at being told 'No' and if you saw my kitchen right now, it's not even in the ball park of being PCOS friendly. I'm currently at a loss, but I know I want to impress Dr. Richmond when I go back for my 6 week post metformin check up with some nice amount of weight loss. The only thing I know to do is to make small goals. My first goal was cutting out all sodas. I haven't had a soda since I started my Metformin. Yay me, but I've done this before. Numerous times before, so it wasn't a hard switch. My current goal is to drink 1 gallon of water a day. I'm starting that today. We'll see how it goes.
I'm on day 10 of my metformin. I'm still at 500mg (building up to 1650) and I've yet to have any of the 'digestive' side effects. I was terrified I would, but so far so good. I've had headaches here and there but I'm not sure they're connected. Thursday I go to 2 pills a day. We'll see if I'm still so lucky in the diuretic department. I'm sure that's when the worst of it will start. I've been told once I'm up to my full dosage my appetite will decrease and my weight will fall off, my skin will get better, and my body hair will lighten up and become much much thinner. So I'll get hot? That'll be nice. ;) I'm not holding one little series of pills to that high of esteem quite yet. We'll see if I change my mind in a few months.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I wear teal

On April 11th, 2012, the day after my 25th birthday, I got a ribbon. A teal ribbon. An awareness ribbon. Awareness for PCOS. Polycystic Ovary Syndrom. I was diagnosed today, and more than ever I feel like for every 2 steps we take forward we're forced to take 3 steps back. The longer we go on this road, the more then blocks are stacked against us. I'm starting Metformin right away to help with the insulin resistance and other symptoms. My Insulin level was 18.2 when it should have been at around 5. My FSH levels were 2.5 times what my LH levels were.

FSH is often used as a gauge of ovarian reserve. In general, under 6 is excellent, 6-9 is good, 9-10 fair, 10-13 diminished reserve, 13+ very hard to stimulate. In PCOS testing, the LH:FSH ratio may be used in the diagnosis. The ratio is usually close to 1:1, but if the LH is higher, it is one possible indication of PCOS. A fasting insulin of 10-13 generally indicates some insulin resistance, and levels above 13 indicate greater insulin resistance.

My FSH level was 14.3 and my LH level was 5.6. My insulin was at an 18.2.

After reviewing symptoms, everything makes sense and I'm not surprised with his findings, but it hurts. It hurts being misdiagnosed for 10 years and suffering through 2 unnecessary surgeries and completely starting over on how we're going to get pregnant. This changes everything.

As if that wasn't bad enough, Randy's tests came back poorly as well. He has low motility and a low count. Where he should be around 70% he's around 20% so he's going to have to start seeing a urologist in order to get treatment. It's not the worst, but it's not good. If I was perfectly healthy it probably wouldn't be too big of an issue, but as I'm not, it makes us having a child that much more difficult.

The only thing I can do at this point is start my meds and research. See what I can do to fight this. I won't let this beat me. This monster has a name and I plan on doing what I can to win this. I won't let this control me or establish who I am or what my future is. I know there is a plan. And I know I am meant to be a mother. One way or another, I will make that goal happen.